Proud supporter: Grosse-Hornke sponsors women’s basketball team

The BSG Basket Ladies Ludwigsburg are fighting for a top rank in southern Germany’s second federal league. Recently they started into the second half of the season – with Grosse-Hornke as their new sponsor.

“Sport is characterized by values such as the will to perform, stamina and stress resistance, very similar to our values in consultancy,” Partner Dr. Matthias Hornke explained. With the sponsorship, Grosse-Hornke strives to increase its company profile in Southern Germany and beyond. “Our cooperation is especially attractive from an employer’s point of view. In the environment of the BSG Basket Ladies we can find the mentality and the qualities we need in our business”. The management consultancy is supporting the Ladies as of now, first of all until the end of the 2019/2020 season.

“We are very happy about the cooperation”, Petra Kutzschmar said, first chairwoman of BSG Basket Ludwigsburg. “It’s not easy to find supporters of female basketball. The commitment of Grosse-Hornke gives us hope that there’s a perspective for the Basket Ladies team, whose federal league activities are organized by volunteers”.

The Grosse-Hornke team itself is keen on fitness and sports. Matthias Hornke stated: “We are looking forward to further exciting matches!”

17.01.2020, Grosse-Hornke

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