Employee Spotlight: Kai Souschek

Kai Souschek | Senior Consultant

How long have you been with grosse-hornke? What is your role on your team?

I joined in 2020, and I am currently working as a Consultant in project management.


What do you enjoy about working here?

Above all, the fact that we work for very well-known companies and implement a wide variety of projects there. I’ve already seen a lot during my time here and got to know various industries: energy, real estate, venture capital, for example. Also, the project topics are very diverse, ranging from sustainability strategies to change management and IT security. I get to learn a lot every day. On top of that, I really like the collaboration in our team, which has a very convenient size. We know each other well, both professionally and privately. We all have a similar wavelength, but everyone also has their own approach to our subjects. It’s a very inspiring environment.


You’ve done one long trip this year. How did that come?

That was a real highlight. I took some time off in the spring of 2022 and traveled through Australia, Nepal and Thailand for three months. That was a long-cherished wish that I hadn’t been able to realize due to the pandemic. We finally found a solution in our team, and so I planned the trip between two projects.


What did you take away from your journey?

An incredible amount. I changed locations every four days. Among other things, I did my first dive on the Great Barrier Reef and saw the most colorful corals you can imagine. I hiked to the base camp of Mount Everest, which is over 5,000 meters above sea level. The beaches in Thailand are paradise, and I was able to recharge my batteries on the way back. On the one hand, such a trip is an overload of information, on the other it’s still relaxing. You can drift without a specific destination, meet people from all over the world. Such an adventure gives you a lot in return.


Any fun projects on the horizon? What are you and your team up to next?

My current project deals with venture capital. Specifically, we are helping the client find potential investors for a fund that focuses on green energy. I find this topic really interesting, both professionally and personally.


Looking back: Kai on his trip to Australia in spring 2022

If you could implement any new policy into the workforce, what would it be?

My former dream job was pilot. Unfortunately, when I finished school, there was a hiring freeze at the airline I wanted to apply to. When it became possible again, I had almost completed my bachelor’s degree and didn’t want to drop out just before the end. During my studies at RWTH Aachen University, I worked with the student consultancy aixsolution. That was an exciting phase in which we implemented real projects for customers from industry. That’s how my interest in consulting came about. I always wanted to do a job that gave me a lot of options and where I could think outside the box. The worst thing for me would be to fall into some sort of routine. The constant new challenges in our consulting profession are very appealing to me.


What was your dream job as a child and what has your journey been like to arrive where you are today?

Mein früherer Traumjob war Pilot. Als ich mit der Schule fertig war, gab es leider einen Einstellungsstopp bei der Fluggesellschaft, bei der ich mich bewerben wollte. Als es wieder möglich war, hatte ich mein Bachelor-Studium schon fast abgeschlossen und wollte nicht kurz vor dem Ende abbrechen. Im Studium an der RWTH Aachen war ich bei der studentischen Unternehmensberatung aixsolution aktiv. Das war eine spannende Phase, in der wir für Kunden aus der Industrie reale Projekte umgesetzt haben. So hat sich mein Interesse am Consulting entwickelt. Ich wollte immer einen Job machen, der mir viele Optionen eröffnet und bei dem ich über den Tellerrand schauen kann. Das Schlimmste wäre für mich, in einen Trott zu verfallen. Die ständigen neuen Herausforderungen im Beraterberuf finde ich sehr reizvoll.


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What piece of advice would you give to an aspiring management consultant?

Consulting offers you the opportunity to deal with various topics from different areas. If you are open to this, you will learn the most. It’s very intense, especially at the beginning, and you should make the most of it. Be open to new topics and approach challenges with motivation.


How do you like to spend your free time?

As already mentioned, traveling is my passion. But even in everyday life I prefer to be out with friends and family instead of watching Netflix. I like to play tennis or try out new sports. Recently, for example, squash and bouldering.


kai souschek monkey

Thailand 2017: Kai feeding monkeys at Tiger Cave Temple in the south of the country

kai souschek hiking

Thin air, good vibes: Kai on his tour to the Everest base camp in the Himalayas

What good books have you read lately?

In Nepal, I had a lot of time to read in the evenings. In keeping with the location, I chose “Into Thin Air” by Jon Krakauer. The author is a mountaineer himself and writes about an accident on Mount Everest in 1996 in which several people lost their lives. Not for the faint of heart, but a great book.


Is there anything that inspires you for your work or personal life?

The thrill of life for me is discovering the world in as many facets as possible, not only on the road but also at home. That life remains exciting. That you remain curious.


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